Metier Technologies Limited Anti Slavery & Human Trafficking Statement


At Metier Technologies Limited we prize our ethical approach and are committed to complying with all laws and regulations applicable to our business, including taking steps to ensure that there is no human trafficking or slavery within any part of our business or supply chain.

By law, companies like ours in the UK are required to disclose publicly the steps we are taking to identify and eradicate forced labour and human trafficking from our supply chains and we are committed to upholding the principles contained in the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the UK Modern Slavery Act 2015.

We believe the nature of what we do at Metier Technologies means that the risk of human trafficking and slavery occurring in our business or in our supply chains is low. However, our continuing commitment to combating human trafficking and slavery is reflected in our corporate governance and operating procedures which require all Metier Technologies people to act ethically and with integrity in all our business relationships.

About Our Organisation

Metier Technologies Limited is a technology application and development company aiming to improve the efficiency and environmental impact of internal combustion engines. We identify, develop and prototype advanced automotive technologies with a focus on improving engine emissions and fuel economy.

Metier Technologies Limited is owned by Metier Ventures whose head office is based in Kirtlington.

Metier Ventures’s reputation, its business success and the confidence of customers, investors, employees and the public in the Company depend not only on the quality of its products and services, but also to a large extent on good corporate governance. Metier Ventures firmly believes in sustainable corporate management and commits itself to impeccable conduct that is characterised by responsibility, integrity, respect and fairness, in line with its values and principles. The Company is an honest, loyal and reliable partner to its stakeholders. The members of its Executive Board and its managers, executives and employees have an obligation to conduct themselves correctly in business dealings, to protect Metier Ventures’s reputation, to preserve the Company’s tangible and intangible assets and to avoid anything that can result in operational or financial disadvantages or damage to the image of individual companies or the Group. The Company acts in accordance with the law and complies with guidelines and regulations. Metier Ventures’s Executive Board takes a zero-tolerance approach to illegal and/or unethical behavior and to corrupt business practices, no matter what the circumstances.

Supply Chains

We work with companies from all over the world on engineering projects researching and developing our prototype technology with the ultimate aim of moving to production and manufacture of these. Our supply chains are predicated on our requirement to source raw and processed materials principally related to the manufacture of parts. Our suppliers range from small local manufacturers and service companies to multi-national businesses and we demand the highest of standards from them all, not only in the quality of the products and services they deliver to us but also in the conditions that they are made in.

Our Buyer has overall responsibility for monitoring our suppliers and completing supplier visits and reports. Where any concerns or risks to the business arise these will be reported up the line and management at all levels will commit to acting on those concerns.

At a Group level Metier Ventures expects its suppliers to share the principles of the Metier Group with respect to responsible and fair behaviour toward employees, customers, suppliers and the public and to realize this responsibility accordingly. Metier Ventures expressly supports and encourages its business partners to apply and take into account the principles stipulated in the Group's Code of Conduct in their own corporate policy and sees this as a beneficial basis for further business relationships

Controlling and identifying risks

Within our own operations, the risk of slavery and human trafficking is controlled as a result of our policies and procedures, the oversight built into our operations, and the knowledge and skills of our staff.

Externally, and without exception, we expect all of our suppliers to commit to the highest possible standards in their employment practices. If they are found to be failing then we will challenge them, and if they are then still unable to meet our stringent standards we will source product elsewhere.

Our Policies on slavery and human trafficking;


Our modern slavery policy sits alongside our corporate governance and reflects our commitment to acting ethically and with integrity in all our business relationships.

In addition, we have a solid structure of existing policies and procedures which support our commitment and are relevant to preventing human trafficking and modern slavery.

These include:

  • Positive and flexible working environment
  • Anti Bribery and Corruption policy and training
  • Equal Opportunities policy
  • Whistleblowing policy

High risk activities

The main risk to the implementation of this policy is geographical. In order to minimise this, our Buyer maintains consistent contact with suppliers who are aware that they may be challenged at any time.

The Evolution of our Anti Slavery and Human Trafficking Policy

In line with legislation and because of the importance of ensuring that our commitment to ethical behaviour remains part of the DNA of our business we aim to build on our current measures year on year as follows:

This statement is made by Metier Technologies Limited pursuant to section 54(1) of the Modern Slavery Act 2015 and constitutes Metier Technologies’s slavery and human trafficking statement. It was approved by the board of Directors on 20th March 2023.

  • Any breach of this policy will be treated as a non-compliance and will raised at senior management meeting as an agenda item until it has been fully dealt with. Any learning points will be fed back to the team and incorporated into their processes.
  • Provide the opportunity to all employees who have any contact with our supply chains to complete training on modern slavery.
  • Ensure that all suppliers are challenged on a regular basis to ensure that they meet our standards.
  • Review our internal policies to ensure a robust and consistent approach.